T is 6 months old already! Where does the time go? Parts of the past few months have been such a fog that I am hoping I will remember some of it. Life just moves so fast with working full-time and trying to eek out every minute of every day. I feel like most of my night is prepping for the next day and dinner and getting kids ready for bed. Poor Ryan ~ he is so on the back burner right now that I am so pleased that he is keeping up his grades. Thank God he doesn't need help too often with his homework. Not sure where I would fit that in.
Enough of that. Time for the BIG news. T is a BIG girl. Weighed in at 18# 9oz and measured just about 27" long. We will be getting her a new car seat this weekend as she barely squeezes into the infant one now. Especially with her snowsuit on. If this winter would just end we could probably make the chair last a little longer, but it's inevitable.
I want to see this little (yes, I said little) cutie in person!