Joe is so full of personality ~

He makes friends everywhere he goes and trusts everyone. This is so outside my comfort zone as I am quite the introvert, but watching life through his eyes is amazing.

Yesterday my mom took him to a fast food restaurant for lunch (don't worry, he did get some healthy food). In his lunch was a batman toy. He wanted to bring it up into the play place to show the slide. No, not show batman the slide, but rather show the slide batman. Don't ask ~ he's 3. So there was a kid up there that wanted to meet and hold batman, so being the kid he is, Joe shared batman with this boy. After a few minutes.... errr.... seconds, Joe ran off to play on some other part of the contraption.
A while later Joe was playing with a boy named Jake. Joe realized that batman was missing and started looking for him. Jake joined in and they scaled that place from top to bottom. When batman never showed up, Jake went over and got the toy out of his lunch and gave it to Joe!! How sweet is that?? Mom thinks Jake is around 5'ish. What a great kid. I hope he is like that all his life. And so now Joe has a robin toy that he call's Jake's. So hopefully he will never forget how he got that toy. Never before has one of those cheap a** meal toys been so priceless!
One more pic of Joe supporting his favorite baseball team. Go Twins!!!